Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What a fool in love!!

forgive me for all of my mistake that i've done to them. for being there, where the two of them.. bukannya aku sengaja, tapi aku tak bisa lagi menahan tumbuhnya tunas-tunas rasa ku padanya. aku tau ini semua tak pernah benar... aku tau bahwa untuk hadir dan mengisi di sela2 kelemahan mereka adalah salah. but, tell me how can i run from my own feelings to him?
it 's become harder when he told me that i'm special. that i'm a someone who could make him completely... yes, our love is in the air now and no one from us could hide from it.
Everynight, he fill my lonelyness with laughter on d'phone and much of short message. he gives me smile.. brighter smile than yesterday..
Is it true that this heart has its own mind? if so, is this a reason why someone doesn't think logically ? Perhaps, before love knocking on our doors, we know what it's right and wrong. Suddenly when it comes and visits us, we really can't see the fine line between right and wrong. Even thou, we know what's right and wrong, sometimes we refuse to do something if our hearts do not go with it.
So is it right? we become foolish person when we fall in love? Love makes us strong, yet others love could weakens us. So, Are we in the fool or love path?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kayaknya lebih bagus yang ini tampilan blognya, in my humble opinion....